Calmorin, Laurentina Paler-
Statistics in education and the sciences (with application to research) / Laurentina Paler-Calmorin, Melchor A. Calmorin - Manila, PH : Rex Book Store, 1997. - viii, 306 pages : 26 cm.
Social sciences --Research --Methodology.
Education --Research --Methodology.
Social sciences--Statistical methods.
Education--Statistical methods.
LB2846 / C3 1997
Statistics in education and the sciences (with application to research) / Laurentina Paler-Calmorin, Melchor A. Calmorin - Manila, PH : Rex Book Store, 1997. - viii, 306 pages : 26 cm.
Social sciences --Research --Methodology.
Education --Research --Methodology.
Social sciences--Statistical methods.
Education--Statistical methods.
LB2846 / C3 1997