Frequently Asked Questions

How to avail the Tekno-Aklatan Project?
Simply call or email the Tekno-Aklatan Team and ask a schedule for program installation and orientation.

Is Tekno-Aklatan free?
Yes, the software, installation and training are all free provided it will be done at NLP! Just provide the hardware.

How to use Tekno-Aklatan?
Simply click the icon for Tekno-Aklatan. In the search box, type the title or author or subject or collection you intend to read. From the search results, click on the title and browse the contents.
You can also browse by title and navigate using the beginning letters or numbers. If you have chosen a title, just click it to read the content.

Collection Guide

  1. Arts and Crafts
  2. Cavite PL ebook Collection
  3. CK-12 Foundation Collection
  4. Dissertation Collection
  5. Health concerns Collection
  6. Project Gutenberg, Children's / Fiction
  7. The National Academies Press
  8. Thesis Collection